with Yin & Yoga Nidra
Saturday 15th of June | 3:30 – 5:30pm
Old Noarlunga Institute Hall
$30 | 15% Off Founder Members
Enjoy a very slow and relaxing Yin session that will focus on the meridian channels of the urinary bladder and kidney to prepare our body and mind for winter.
Then infuse our relax state into a guided yoga Nidra. Also known as enlightened sleep &/or yogic sleep. It is intended to induce full body relaxation and deep meditative state of consciousness. Unlike Savasana at the end of practice, Nidra allows enough time for you to sink into relaxation through guided imagery and body scanning.
The Live Acoustic ambience will be provided by the same band from our last beautiful Yin event. Played by Jarro and Os, with the definite sounds of the sitar and soothing mantras